Hair Loss Solutions Clinic
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Laser Hair Loss Treatments

Hair Loss Solutions Clinic is a specialized clinic that utilizes Low Level Laser Therapy with multi-step product systems. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is among the most exciting new options in the treatment of hair loss.


Our professional hair care devices are offered in a variety of numerical combinations of diodes, thereby optimizing better service solutions and success. Laser therapy has been clinically tested, FDA approved and shown to be an effective and safe treatment to reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth that has been utilized all around the world. It is a non-chemical, non-surgical, technically advanced treatment developed by doctors and hair loss professionals exclusively for hair loss clinics to treat clients suffering from

conditions like male and female pattern baldness, chemo-induced alopecia, scalp conditions, chemically damaged hair, colour-treated hair, slow growth hair, telogen effluvium, traction, alopecia, psoriasis and more.


LLLT increases blood and lymph circulation at the hair roots and stimulates follicular cells, which cause hair to grow thicker and stronger. Lasers stimulate microcirculation, decrease inflammation, and improve cellular metabolism and protein synthesis. Laser Therapy is non-invasive