Hair Loss Solutions Clinic
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Products and Treatments

All products and treatments used at Hair Loss Solutions Clinic are prescription, not over the counter. All medications are given with specific individual instructions to gain a desired result.

Hair Loss Solutions Clinic’s treatments can sometimes be considered stand-alone treatments, and all treatments available can be used in combination therapy for optimum results generating a steep growth curve.

We provide everything from prescription medications - including a range of internal medications and external medications, for all scalp and hair issues - to individually designed in-clinic procedures and safe, affordable and very effective at-home treatments. The effects of our multi-therapeutically designed treatments lead to record breaking results.

All of our product ingredients are exactingly selective. Hair Loss Solutions Clinic does not provide or recommend medication containing chemicals or harmful ingredients. We provide organic and natural treatments.

HLSC also provides important prescriptive nutritional products, including herbal, organic and natural multivitamins, supplements and minerals for optimum effectiveness and purity. All are recommended in the right dosage and combinations to be most effective and safe for each individual after a careful analysis of the patient’s medical history.

Readily available are also award-winning cosmetic hair and scalp products, which our patients appreciate for a quick fix for the duration of their treatment period or for that special occasion.

  • All of our shampoos and conditioners, scalp treatments, hair treatments and hair regeneration target treatments are medicated and serve a prescriptive purpose.

  • HLSC has a range of hair growth, scalp and hair treatments for at- home and in-clinic use, depending on the aggressiveness of the treatments and the combination therapy.

  • We provide products for all symptoms, causes and individual diagnosis and therefore patients must use prescriptive products as directed to you personally for your individual diagnosis of your own hair loss, hair or scalp condition.

  • We give close attention in teaching our patients how to use equipment and medications and detailed explanations on each person’s treatment addressing all symptoms and causes.